However you’re choosing to celebrate the HolyDays this year, I hope it’s filled with a lot of Light, Love and Delicious Self-care.
To support you with this, I put together my top 3 favorite, must-have holiday gifts, first for Yourself (you better believe I have these for myself! :)) and for those you love.
#1 Harmonize EMFs with the Harmoni Pendant
With 5G and an onslaught of cell phone towers, devices and pulsing magnetics every which way, this is a conscious human’s must-have jewelry piece. I’ve been wearing this Pendant for a few years now (see photo above) and noticed an immediate diminishment of EMF disrupted sleep and sensitivity. I reharmonize it with my heart’s magnetic field every week so that it stays in sync with me. It comes in gold, rose-gold and silver – most people just assume you’re wearing a nice piece of jewelry. Of course…and you’re protecting and strengthening your body-mind from harmful EMFs. Win-win!
This wearable EMF solution can reduce your stress, boost your energy, slow negative signs of aging and support optimum health.
#2 Heal with Light with the Lifewave Phototherapy PatchHealing with Light just makes sense to me. We’re of the Light, so why wouldn’t Light therapy benefit our bodies? I started using Lifewave last summer and I’ve loved the oomph to my Radiance and strength. I’m allways down to try any non-invasive healing modalities and this one has become one of my regular supports. You can place your patch underneath the navel or below the neck on the back of the body.
Here are some more details from Lifewave about how this works:
Phototherapy has been around for about 100 years, and uses light to improve the health of the body. Your body emits heat, including heat in the infrared spectrum. Lifewave patches are designed to trap this infrared energy when placed on the body, which causes them to reflect it back to stimulate specific points on the skin that can promote a general state of health and healthy activity unique to each LifeWave patch. Each patch is exclusively designed to reflect particular wavelengths of energy that stimulate specific points on the skin.

1 teaspoon a day of this high-vibrational Egyptian wheatgrass (GF) can truly be the missing piece on your conscious, metaphysical, Light-body activation, self-heling journey. I fell in love with this drink after being a Purium organic superfoods superfan since 2020.
This past summer at the Purium annual convention, a special speaker, a kamut farmer, came in to tell us all about this magical Prophet’s grass that helps the body heal a variety of ailments.
Once I found out that Purium’s Kamut is Gluten-free I was in. I love to drink it solo – it’s pretty grassy tasting but I Love it all the same. AND you can mix it in with any other Purium raw dehyrdated powders if you’d rather cover the taste.
Here are just some of the many benefits of Kamut:
- Strengthens body tissues
- Aids in bone health
- Boost immune system
- Supports hormonal balance
- Protects against free radicals
- Lowers cholesterol
- Provides vegan protein
- Supports healthy thyroid balance
May these HolyDays gifts become must-haves in your metaphysical, spiritual, enlightened, Joyful Life journey! I’d love to hear about you and/or your Loved Ones Miracles with these self-healing gifts, so please feel free to email me to tell me all about it.
May you be blessed in the Light! XX
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