My Story Goes A Little Something Like This…

Growing up we were poor.

The kind of poor where there wasn’t  enough food in the house for me and my four younger sisters. And so, we had to rely on neighbors, friends, family and government aid to eat.

The quality of the food we ate was simply never in question.

It was always about would we eat and where would that food come from, and even more deeply, where would the money or assistance for that food come from.

Once that was answered, it was on to get as much food as we could at the lowest cost.

That meant we ate plenty of enriched wheat, full fat dairy, refined sugar galore, low quality meat and more.

I loved macaroni and cheese growing up (is that why it’s my first recipe here?!) but we couldn’t even afford the Kraft mac-n-cheese. We had to get the off-brand, Western Family mac-n-cheese. (Which is not at all the same, btws.)

As I grew up, I didn’t think too much about food and it’s quality.

Having grown up in food scarcity meant I was always happy to have enough money to eat (so clearly I had money issues/poverty consciousness I had to heal and I did (yaay!) through what I teach here), even when at 19 that meant living off of $700/month and eating bagels and cream cheese with “Healthy Choice” lunchmeat on top.

I’m literally gagging as I type this. I can’t believe I ate that every day for months on end!

But because we live in a benevolent Universe, life continually works to nudge us in the most aligned directions…

At age 23 and while on Paxil for depression (more on that part of my journey can be found in my vulnerable articles for publications like Elephant Journal here), I gained 25 pounds and felt horribly lethargic.

The breaking point was laying on my bed trying to get my favorite pair of jeans on and realizing they weren’t going to fit.

Something was not right with my body, but I wasn’t sure what exactly…

Thankfully, a friend (there are literally Angels everywhere!) recommended I read “Eat Right for Your Blood Type.”

Turns out I’m the blood type that should not eat wheat.

(I now believe no one is served by eating wheat, but that’s an investigation you must go on for yourself if you’re called.)

3 weeks upon cutting all wheat and most dairy out, I lost all 25 pounds, got off the Paxil and became more conscious about what I was putting into my body.

Six years later after cutting out dairy entirely along with most refined sugars, I began the Eat Wheat-Free, Dairy-Free and Low Sugar blog. This blog was one of the first of its kind and was fairly successful. It was fun, but I didn’t think too much about it.

My writing path transformed into an intensive spiritual awakening and healing path, which meant that blog got left in the dust.

I went on to spend the past 15 years healing and supporting others (mostly women and couples) through success coaching, Advanced PaRama BodyTalk healing, spiritual counseling, and spiritual mentorship. See more here.

Repeatedly clients would ask me for recipes or product recommendations on how to eat in a way that would clear their body-mind and help them be more on point with their intuitive abilities.

They wanted to know what I had done and wanted to get in on it.

I would give recommendations here or there, but my focus was on quantum physics, healing, my daily meditation practice and mediumship in my sessions, where “departed” loved ones would come and give me messages for clients in our sessions.

Food wasn’t something I was thinking too much about.

But then, two important things happened…

#1: I realized that what my clients were putting into their bodies was – of course and obviously – having a major impact on their health and well-being.
*it was even interfering with their ability to heal, as well as with their intuitive gifts.*

In fact, I discovered that they could not properly integrate their healings when they weren’t putting conscious, high-vibrational foods, beverages & skincare into (and on) their body temple.

The “foods” and other products (many of them chemical in nature) were interfering with their ability to thrive. #wowza

#2: In the course of a couple of months I had several clients and family members tell me they either had a dream that I wrote a cookbook, or they thought I needed to write one. It definitely got my attention.

Writing the cookbook itself didn’t feel fully aligned.

As the author of 13 books with a doctorate in Metaphysical Psychology when it’s time to write, I get to writing without interruption or delay. But something about this was different and so I took it into meditation.

Finally, the clarity came: The Metaphysical Menu.
 a simple recipe & recommends site with one-shot photos, easy recipes, streamlined product recommends, & skincare & sustainability recommends.

Currently, The Metaphysical Menu features a combination of intermittent fasting and intuitive eating based on my own personal experience as well as in working with women and couples worldwide on the topics of life success, spiritual embodiment, and health & wellness over 15 years.

It also serves as another amazing portal for my writing (full circle baby!) and below you’ll find links to some of my features, articles & copywriting over the years.

Enjoy it all. <3

And please feel free to share with me any of your photos and wins from our recipes & recommends.

To Your Radiance,
XXDr. Kristian

An Air of Mystery in design:retail

How to Close Out 2019 Like a Spiritual Gangster on Thrive Global

Have Yourself a Sober Little Christmas on Elephant Journal

Retail Pop-up Goes Glossy in design:retail

Merging AI & Social Media in design:retail

Jewelry Goes Gypsy-Luxe in design:retail

University of Michigan Opens Museum of Natural History Retail Store in design:retail

July Column on Love, Sex & Sacred Union in Spirit Guides Magazine

May Column on Love, Sex & Sacred Union in Spirit Guides Magazine

The #1 Way To Create More Love In Your Life* on Sivana East
*As seen in the Sivana Spirit weekly newsletter.

How to Stop that Voice that says “You aren’t Worthy, Lovable & you Don’t Matter” Dead in its Tracks on Elephant Journal

An Awakening of the Sole in design:retail

11 Things you can Enjoy—Now that you’re Alcohol-Free on Elephant Journal

April Column on Love, Sex & Sacred Union in Spirit Guides Magazine

Waking from a Nightmare: My Recovery as a former Addict, a Liar & a Cheat on Elephant Journal

March Column on Love, Sex & Sacred Union in Spirit Guides Magazine

Happiness as a Spiritual Path on Elephant Journal

5 Ways that Creating Healthy Love is a lot like Going Vegan on Elephant Journal

Love As A Liberation on Spirit Guides Magazine

2019 Is The Year Of The Sacred Woman on Sivana East

I’m 40, And I’m Finally In a Healthy Relationship on Elephant Journal

#WhyIDidntReport, and Why It’s Now Time to Tell the Truth on Elephant Journal

Why Being Sober Might Be The Best Idea We Never Had on Elephant Journal

The Most Delicious Way to Love & Live on Elephant Journal

A Simple Prayer That Took Away My Pain & Can Maybe Take Yours Too on Elephant Journal

The #1 Key To Your Prosperity (It’s Not What You Think) on Sivana East

Your Darkness Is Exactly What You Need to Thrive on Sivana East

What Death Taught Me About Love on Sivana East

Spirit-Led Love on Spirit Guides Magazine

Uplevel Your Love Life with Spirit-Led Dating on Spirit Guides Magazine

Spirit-Led Radio on YouTube

5 Steps To Create A Love Revolution on FinerMinds

Leaving My Religion, Armageddon Theory & Stepping Into My Power on Elephant Journal

Why Meditating For 11 Minutes Can Make You Feel Better Now on FinerMinds

Want To Be Rich? Here’s How — And It’s Not What You Think on FinerMinds

5 Life Truths That Change Everything on FinerMinds

Here’s a Little Secret About Our Egos on Elephant Journal

Dear Money: It’s Not You, It’s Me on Elephant Journal

Former Experience Junkie Learns what Truly Living is Really About on Elephant Journal

Why Sickness Can Be a Signal to Change Course on Elephant Journal

Articles on The Huffington Post

How to Make 2015 Your “Richest” Year Yet on Plum Deluxe

Decision Making for the Conscious Entrepreneur on Conscious Millionaire

  • Bachelors of Science in Liberal Studies with an emphasis on English & Women’s Studies, Portland State University, graduated Summa Cum Laude
  • The Copy Cure program by Marie Forleo
  • Accelerated Program for Six-Figure Copywriting course, through AWAI
  • Member of American Writers & Artists, Inc. (AWAI)
  • Barefoot Writers Club member
  • Secrets of Writing for the Health market course, through AWAI
  • Copy Alchemy, Kylie Slavik
  • 60-Minute Makeovers Copywriting, Laura Belgray

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