With the colder winter weather comes the need to honor our body’s need for increased warmth. This honors your internal organs and systems, giving them the best environment to thrive.
This is the time we shift (unless you live somewhere that’s warm year-round) to teas, soups, stews, broths and other warm foods. This allows us to nurture the body and honor the changing seasons.
I’ve been trained in Chinese Medicine and so I do honor the elemental cycles. Winter is the time for deeper introspection, and it’s the perfect time to go deep in your inner healing work, experiment with new recipes and cozy up with your favorite book/spiritual text/resource.
I’ve begun making the shift to more hot teas throughout the day in my life, and one of my favorites comes from a place that has a special place in my heart – Kauai (a place that’s rarely cold!).
Immediately following my spiritual awakening in 2008 I moved from Portland, Oregon to Poi’pu, Kauai – all within 3 weeks. I had to get away from the city and ground myself in abundant nature.
I wrote my first book, Anatomy of the Heart: Love Poems there and began working with the healing energy pouring from my hands. I also started my first 12-step program Al-Anon in Kauai and began working the 12-steps (a deep spiritual healing foundation for anyone awake on the path of life).
Kauai was the first time I went raw vegan and it was DIVINE. Because of the warm weather year-round there, it was easy for my body to benefit from the raw foods.
The land in Kauai is luscious and fertile, and just about anything can grow there in abundance.
So of course when I came upon Kauai Farmacy – I knew it was a Divine synchronicity that I had to follow.
I Love this Wellness Tea not only because it’s warm and cozy for colder months, but because it’s chock full of this goodness:
- Adaptogenic
- Alkalizing
- Replenishes vitamins and minerals
- Promotes mental clarity
- Reduces skin inflammation
- Helps relieve arthritic pain and inflammation
- Treats stomach ailments
- Stimulation without caffeine
- Enhances circulation of the heart, kidneys, lungs, liver
- Balances blood pressure and cholesterol levels
- Supports a healthy immune system
- Helps the body fight pathogens
- Supports a healthy histamine response
It’s also:
- Loaded with antioxidants
- Pain reducer
- Alkaline minerals
- Nitric-oxide
- Anti-viral
- Anti-parastic
- Anti-fungal
- Anti-biotic
- Anti-cancer
- Anti-inflammatory
- Vitamins A, C, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, choline
- Calcium, magnesium, potassium
I mean, could you want anything more from a tea? I don’t think so! I have tried a few other Kauai Farmacy teas, but this one really has everything in it to assist the body in being balanced, warm and thriving.
You can try their Wellness Tea for yourself here.
I recommend steeping 1 teaspoon of Wellness Tea herbs for 10 minutes in boiling hot water.
You can add a dash of one of their yummy honey’s or to strengthen your immune system add a dash of local, raw honey to your tea. (Please note: Adding honey does break your intermittent fasting, so you can drink the tea naked to stay in fasting mode.)
Feel free to peruse the Kauai Farmacy site and their other goodies here.
Enjoy this deep time of inner transformation! Xo
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