I’m just going to say it.
I’m a hummus snob.
After finding out that almost every premade hummus that I liked was either packaged in plastic or contained that one pesky preservative citric acid – I had to find a workable solution for my body (and palette).
And as is usually the case, that solution was creating my own hummus recipe that was better than most anything on the market.
It took me a hot minute, but now that I’ve perfected my hummus making abilities, I’ve become a total snob about hummus.
If it’s not mine I don’t like it. This is terrible.
But also, hilarious.
Since I’m in my Goddess Era right now (more about that to come, if you follow my personal journey via my Sacred-Spirituality.org swirl) I’ve been taking all of my food making/eating to a new, more luscious, luxurious and Soul-satisfying level (spoiler alert: there are allways new levels to expand into!).
Enter Green Goddess Hummus. Enjoy! XO
- 1 can Eden organic garbanzo beans, half the can drained
- Organic Olive oil
- 2T organic tahini
- 1t organic garlic salt
- 1 organic lemon
- 1t Purium organic Barley Green Juice OR 1t Purium organic Green Spectrum, original
OR if you’re really wanting to mix it up, add in 1/2 a teaspoon of each
Step 1: In a food processor or VitaMix (or other type of blender), blend tahini and lemon until smooth.
Step 2: Add 1/2 the can of garbanzo beans and garlic salt, and blend until smooth.
Step 3: Add the final 1/2 of garbanzo beans and olive oil, and blend until smooth.
Step 4: Add in Barley Green Juice and/or Green Spectrum, and blend until smooth.
Step 5: Bless and eat with organic carrots, slathered on organic toast, with organic crackers of your choice, as a topping on your favorite cooked veggie dish or any other Divine Way that calls you.
Happy Green Goddess-ing!
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