Since 2010, I’ve assisted women all over the world in living a more Spirit-led (i.e. creative, feminine, abundant, peaceful, easeful) life.
One of my favorite parts of serving these women is watching them expand and grow over the years. The women drawn to me are genius creatrix’s (even if they don’t know it when they first come to me) and they’re allways crafting something amazing that’s good for humans and the Earth.
Case in point – CheeChee’s Kitchen, an organic gluten-free, no-refined sugar sweetened granola – founded by an incredible Spirit-Led woman, Kristine Rosenquist.
When she messaged me to say that she was receiving inspiration to create this granola and the kids at her school and beyond were devouring it, I knew I had to try it too.
And with fun flavors like Old School, “P” is for Protein, Oregon Girl, Buzzy Bees, Cherry Cherry Quite Contrary, Pumpkin Bumpkin and Nighty Night Russ (a shout-out to her hubby) – you’re not just eating granola, you’re having a really good time while eating said granola.
I was able to try Night Night Russ (the most popular flavor) and “P” is for protein. I kept it simple and added organic almond milk to have the full flavor experience.
And, It was DELICIOUS. I can’t even pick a favorite, they were both super yummy. Now, I’ve got to try all the other flavors too…
Did I mention it’s organic, gluten-free and sweetened with organic maple syrup or honey?
Right now, CheeChee’s Kitchen granola is only available via delivery in Portland or the Oregon Coast.
If that’s you – or you’ll be traveling to these areas soon – submit your order today. You won’t be sorry you did! XX