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Stay Healthy While You Fly

Healthy travel 2

If you’re traveling this Holydays season or flying in any season, then this article is for you!

Flying in an airplane does a number on your body – cuz, as it turns out, being catapulted in a metal tube 35,000 feet into the air isn’t super amazing for the human body.

Flying disrupts your endocrine system as well as your energy systems, and can cause you to feel “off”, ungrounded and also can cause an imbalance in your body’s natural rhythms and chemistry. 

Fortunately, there are a number of measures you can take the day of your flight so that your endocrine system (hello, what runs your hormones and in turn runs your body) and energy systems stay balanced and you thrive during your trip and upon returning home.

Below are my top tips for staying healthy while you fly…
  • The intention when flying is to saturate your body with high-vibrational vitamins and herbs so that the depletion that naturally occurs from being hurtled into the air in a closed-air metal tube with a bunch of other humans doesn’t impact your body in a less than desirable way.


  • Begin your day with a pure organic infusion of Zinc, Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Vitamin E and A.
    On an empty stomach (hot water or herbal tea beforehand is fine) take 3 Zinc-Ade.


  • Then, have organic raw juices in powder form with you to take on your flight in a shaker bottle or hand blender. This is super easy, simply allocate the powders into your cup or blender and then once on the other side of the TSA, add water to your bottle or blender and shake. For the easiest raw juice options for this, I recommend 2t Green Spectrum Lemon with water and/or 2T Carrot Juice Plus with water.


  • Next, eat a piece of organic fruit like an organic orange or organic banana (easy to carry onto the plane and in your bags). Be sure to drink as 1 liter of water for every flight you take to stay well hydrated.


  • Once you’ve eaten, take 4 Vir-u-Sure to saturate your body chemistry/immune system with high-vibrational herbs that will keep your system healthy.


  • Then, once on your flight, take 2 more Zinc-Ade and 2 more Vir-u-Sure. Organic dried fruit is a great snack option (easily found at almost any airport) or organic fruit bars (I happened upon Jonesbar organic bars which were delish and super high-vibe).


  • If you have a full day of flying, you can add in 10oz of water 5.5T of PowerShake. This gives you the nutrition of 6 organic salads. I prefer my PowerShake with organic almond milk, MVP Family chocolate and frozen berries, and I only had 2.5 hours of flying so I didn’t add this to my flying health protocol this time around.


  • If you have a full day of flying, also add in 5-15 Super Aminos – which are made from organic fermented lentils and provide you with the essential amino acids you need AND are a source of protein, so if you feel hungry and are out of healthy options – these are great to get you through with sustainable energy.


  • For red eye flights, use BioRelax – the tart cherry and kava puts you into a deep REM sleep and the hyaluronic acid gives your skin a sweet glow. (I also highly recommend BioRelax for traveling in lieu of nightly Apothe-Cherry.)


  • For your energy systems, before going to the airport, tap out the Access protocol. This five-part tapping protocol from the International BodyTalk Association (member & practitioner since 2010) balances your brain chemistry, keeps you in a peaceful mode as opposed to stressed, hydrates your cells, balances your body chemistry and your muscle-skeletal system (think of it like an energetic self-massage).I’ve been using this tapping protocol for over 12 years and swear by it for health, vitality and keeping the body strong. For long travel days, tap Access at each layover spot as time permits. Also, if you cannot manually tap, you can close your eyes and visualize tapping this protocol on your body and it will have the same effect.


  • I also recommend tapping Cortices throughout your travel time to keep the left and right hemispheres of your brain balanced and therefore not easily susceptible to stress or drama. Example: if a flight is delayed, or passengers around you start freaking out, or other interesting travel experiences occur. 🙂


  • And of course, before leaving for the airport, I highly recommend saying a blessing for your pilots, flight attendants, air traffic controllers, the plane itself and all the passengers on board and at the airport. For more details on how to pray and bless these ones, along with the specific land you’re meant to live on and how to care for it, see my Love Territory Guide Certification. 


When you fly with these high-vibrational nutritional protocols, you won’t experience the typical flight interferences such as interruption in your sleep cycle, disconnect in your intuitive abilities or unnecessary body symptoms.


Instead, you’ll be receiving Divine clarity during that flight, connecting and laughing with other Light Beings and in general creating more Light and Love on Earth wherever you travel to!


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