We’ve had an abundance of zucchini this season as our garden overflows with goodness.
So much so, I haven’t known what to do with them all!
Fortunately, the idea for zucchini fritters came in and this delish and super simple recipe was born.
- One large zucchini
- Avocado oil
- 2 farm fresh eggs, beaten
- 1/4 c of Bob’s Red Mill Paleo Baking flour
- sea salt and pepper to taste
- Tessemae organic creamy ranch dressing
Step one: Remove zucchini skin (or leave it if you love it – your call). Then, slice zucchini into thick chunks. Saute in avocado oil until soft and mushy.
Step two: Place mushed zucchini into a large mixing bowl. Add in beaten eggs and 1/4 c of flour. Add in salt and pepper as you like.
Step three: In a skillet, pour avocado oil to coat the pan. Take the zucchini mixture and place on skillet in rounds, like you would pancakes.
Step four: Cook on medium heat for 3-5 minutes and then flip. Cover and cook for another 3-5 minutes or until the fritters are the desired color of golden brown you prefer.
Step five: Bless the fritters and then dress them with Tessemae’s organic creamy ranch dressing (omgoddess, you will thank me later on this tip ;)).
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