Happy Eclipse-Full Moon-Eclipse-New Moon-Solstice-Mercury Retrograde Season! #whoa
This is how we co-create the next Golden Age – us all vibrating in greater harmony with Source!
This is the most gentle and effective cleanse I’ve ever experienced – and I’m so excited to share it with you too! Xo
Below are the main practices of this detox/cleanse, and I’ll send out weekly emails every Tuesday to keep you rockin and rollin with new pro tips:
If you want to share photos and ask Questions, you can do so in our MeWe group.
- Take a “before” photo – focused on your eyes on June 1. If you would like to photograph your entire body, you may do so. Our intention is to support the grounding and anchoring of more Source Light within your body temple (which supports the co-creation of the next Golden Age!), thus your before photo is of your face/eyes. You do not need to share this photo, unless you’re inspired to do so.
- Physical Cleansing: Make sure you have placed your order for your Ultimate Lifestyle Transformation – Eco-friendly Kit ASAP to have it in time for our June 1 start. Here’s what each item does: Super Aminos 23: The essential aminos you need for your body to thrive without animal protein (this has been a game-changer for me personally so that I could be vegan). It also tightens skin, reduces cellulite and builds muscle. It also improves your brain health (and has been linked to helping folks self-heal from depression/biopolar, etc).
Biome Medic: Clears toxins like glysophate (from Round-UP being sprayed everywhere in the world) from the gut microbiome. Also supports brain health in thriving – releasing folks with consistent use from depression and other mental health imbalances.
Power Shake: Has the superfood nutritional value of eating 6 salads in one serving. Also supports healthy elimination (=Bowel Movements 2-3x a day).
Apothe-Cherry Juice: Anti-inflammatory, eliminates gout and other inflammatory “illnesses” and will have you sleeping so deeply, you’ll wonder how you lived this long without it.
Super Cleanse(r): Use this for the last 10 days of the detox, this clears out parasites and other harmful ish from the gut and colon.
We recommend intermittent fasting with this cleanse – as it gives your body the “rest” it needs – so your internal organs and systems do not need to be processing food non-stop and can release toxins and ish. Recommended 16-hour fasting schedule. If you are new to intermittent fasting, feel free to consult your healthcare professional about this. I’ve been doing it for years, and I started with 12-hour fasting between last and first meal, then 14 hours, then 16 hours. You may want to use a similar approach for your body.
Example: Last Meal of the Day by no later than 8pm. Next meal by 12noon the following day. I’ll post my daily schedule with the Ultimate Lifestyle Transformation Kit in the MeWe group or reply here and I’ll send to you – and you can use that as inspiration for your journey.
Recommend eating metaphysically – no gluten/dairy/soy/corn/sugar/alcohol/caffeine/limited animal protein if any – during this 30 days. Have your foods be as close to the Earth as possible. See Metaphysical Menu for recipe and product inspiration. -
Emotional Cleansing: Write out your beliefs about food, your weight and your body including what’s “good”, what’s “bad”, etc. Take these beliefs through our SuperPowers Guide to clear them out. If you have another emotional cleansing tool that you’d like to use for this, then use that. All that matters is that you shine a Light on these limiting beliefs and clear them out.
Mental Cleansing: Just say “no” to social media (except for our MeWe group :)), TV, Netflix, books, movies – unless you are Divinely guided to it and it’s metaphysical/conscious/high-vibing. Let’s get you clear!
Spiritual Cleansing: Meditate for 22 minutes a day. Call on your Higher Self, Source, all of your Guides & Angels of the Highest Light. Ask that you are restored to your Highest Health, Vitality, Radiance and Vibrance through this meditation and that you’re grounded and vibrating in Source Light throughout every cell of your body temple. You can do this silently or with 432hz or 528hz music (or any ambient music you love) in the background.
Environmental Cleansing: Eliminate plastic use, as plastic is one of the most toxic chemicals in your body (yep, it gets inside of us too – ewww!) and for our beloved Mother Earth. Do not buy products in plastic, and resuse any plastics you currently have until they are complete. Say “ciao!” to straws and plastic to-go containers. Ask restaurants and food producers you love to use other Earth-friendly options. This raises their awareness and supports the Earth too.
- Additional BONUSes you can add to your metaphysical cleanse experience to take your toxin release to the next, healthy level:
- Dry brush or lymph tapping daily. Your lymphatic system removes waste products and toxins from your body – including emotional and mental toxins/waste. Daily do this to support your body in releasing what does not serve you.
Drink Organic Dandelion Root tea to support your Liver ( the general of the internal organs and what works directly with your lymphatic system to release waste products) in releasing toxins from your body temple.
Take anything you aren’t sure about eating or putting into or on your body (this includes sexual partners, cosmetics, lotions and more) through your Sacred Heart yes’s / no’s. If you’re not in our Magdalena Mentorship and are not familiar with this intuitive guidance practice, we share about the Sacred Heart practice in our book Radical Abundance in Radical Times. This way you’re putting into your body what your Sacred Heart says is in alignment for you. As every body is blissfully unique. Also, when you’re connected to your Higher Self / Source, you’ll only be drawn to put into your body what will allow you to vibrate with who you really are.
Have Qs? Post them in our MeWe group or email me here.
I’m so excited to co-create this next level of the Golden Age with you! Xo